Dental Treatment

Tooth Extraction

When teeth encounter severe problems or specific conditions, and upon diagnosis by a dentist, tooth extraction may be necessary. Here are some situations that may require tooth extraction:

  • Severe tooth decay or when a tooth cannot be repaired
  • Excessive tooth mobility due to severe periodontal disease
  • Teeth growing in improper positions and causing damage to adjacent teeth, commonly seen in impacted wisdom teeth
  • Teeth with structural issues, commonly seen in impacted wisdom teeth

Methods of Tooth Extraction

In Macau, the methods for extracting impacted wisdom teeth or tooth extraction primarily fall into two categories: surgical extraction and non-surgical extraction.

Methods of Tooth Extraction

  • The dentist will first administer a local anesthesia to ensure that there is no pain during the tooth extraction or removal of wisdom teeth.
  • The dentist will use appropriate dental instruments to extract the tooth that needs to be removed
  • Biting down on cotton or gauze can help to control bleeding

Surgical tooth extraction

  • When a tooth cannot be extracted using standard dental instruments, such as in the case of a difficult wisdom tooth extraction, dentists will resort to surgical tooth extraction. In such situations, a dentist will perform a surgical procedure to remove the tooth.
  • The dentist will first administer an appropriate amount of local anesthesia to numb the tooth and oral tissues. In certain circumstances, if there are specific conditions, the dentist may use general anesthesia.
  • The dentist will flap the gum tissue to access the tooth and divide it into different sections before removing each part individually.
  • The wound will be stitched, and materials such as cotton and gauze will be used to assist in stopping the bleeding for the patient
  • The stitches will be removed after one to two weeks

Post-tooth extraction care

  • Bite down on cotton for 30 to 60 minutes until the bleeding stops.
  • On the day of tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal, follow these guidelines: Do not rinse your mouth, Avoid chewing hard foods, Refrain from touching the wound, Avoid alcohol consumption, Avoid vigorous physical activity.
  • Swelling in the extraction site is a normal occurrence after tooth extraction, including wisdom tooth removal. Typically, the swelling subsides and returns to normal within a few days.
  • Follow the dentist's instructions regarding medication and dietary restrictions
    The wound or extraction site may trap food debris, and on the second day, you can rinse your mouth with warm water or saltwater to help remove any residual particles.

Post-tooth extraction precautions

  • Surgical tooth extraction, including the removal of wisdom teeth, is indeed a form of surgery. Prior to the tooth extraction procedure, your dentist will provide you with a detailed explanation of the associated risks.
  • If you experience unusual odor, persistent bleeding, or thick blood after tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal, it is important to seek help from your dentist as soon as possible.
  • If you have a history of heart disease or regularly take certain medications, it is important to inform your dentist before the tooth extraction procedure.